PLAYER CONTROLS IN ESOTERIA DEMO KEYBOARD ACTIONS "e" - move forward "d" - move backwards "s" - slide to the right "f" - slide to the left "Space" - jump (the longer the key is held down, the higher the jump) "a" - crouch "q" - toggle item selection forward "z" - toggle item selection backwards "r" - use the currently selected item "g" - open doors, push buttons, and other environment interactions "b" and "t" - toggle weapons up and down "1" - equip the ARC Blade "2" - equip the ARC "6" - equip missiles "7" - equip homing missiles "c" - toggle laser targeting dot on and off "CAPS LOCK" - toggle between running and walking mode "TAB" - toggles display of onscreen statistics (#items found, #secrets found, #enemies killed) "<" and ">" - scales radar in and out "x" - zoom out "v" - zoom in "x" & "v" together - Completely unzoom. ** Note: Raven cannot zoom while running or walking "+" - increase the viewport size "-" - decrease the viewport size "f4" - toggle between low-res and hi-res "ESC" - go to the main interface screen MOUSE ACTIONS Forward - look down Backward - look up Right - turn right Left - turn left Left Button - fires Raven's equipped weapon Right Button - allows camera orientation to be independent of Raven's facing direction. Push and hold down to enter free camera movement mode. Release to go back to normal camera function. START GAME Select GAME FILES, NEW GAME from the main interface screen. SAVE GAME Select GAME FILES, SAVE GAME from the main interface screen. To load a saved game, select GAME FILES, LOAD GAME. QUIT GAME Select QUIT from the main interface screen. WEAPONS AND ITEMS IN DEMO Charged Weapons The ARC weapons have three charge levels. Charge levels are displayed as colored bars at the center of the game interface. Weapons are charged by holding down the fire key/button. The higher the charge level, the more damage the weapon does. Raven starts out with the first level ARC and ARC Blade. ARC and ARC Blade power-ups are required for level two and level three charges. Level two and level three ARC does radius damage. ARC ARC technology was originally intended for medical purposes, but was exploited for military use. A lightweight and portable version of the ARC generator was constructed to be strapped onto the forearm. The effectiveness of the ARC unit is still undergoing tests. When used with optical boosters, the portable ARC unit fires tightly packed energy bursts (as opposed to the distinctive crescent-shape) intended to quickly silence unwary opponents at a distance. A limitation of this "sniping" ARC is that movement disrupts the auto-targeting signals relayed to the ARC unit from the optical boosters. ARC Blade Special capacitors with a Coridom dielectric were attached to the ARC unit. The capacitors store enough energy to generate a crescent energy blade indefinitely. Limited to close combat, the blade can easily slice through tesselated Cevant armor worn by the military police. Missiles The discovery of the high energy liberating triconium crystal has revived this ancient weapon. Each missile contains four triconium packed warheads and can be launched from a missile pack. A missile pack can carry a small arsenal with enough explosive power to obliterate almost any military target. Homing Missiles Virtually identical to the conventional missile except that an intelligent homing device and guidance system are packed into the warhead. The homing system will lock on enemy units and travel in a non-linear path in order to avoid getting shot out of the air. Missile Pack A lightweight pack strapped to a person's back used to launch missiles. A missile pack can carry up to 50 missiles. Homing Missile Pack A lighter version of the missile pack designed to carry up to 25 homing missiles. Energy Tank Stores Raven's health. An energy tank holds up to 100 health. When Raven's energy tanks are depleted, he dies. Raven starts out with two energy tanks. Health Tank Restores 50 health to Raven's energy tanks. Recharge Station Allows Raven to recharge his energy tank(s) to full. Unlimited use. Older models of the recharge station require a "cooling down" period before it can be used again. Cloaking Device Allows Raven to become undetectable by enemies for a short duration. Press 'r' to use the cloaking device. Transmissions, Data Files, and Maps When Raven receives transmissions, data files or maps, a message appears in the game interface accompanied by a beep. To check transmissions, data files or maps, press ESC to go back to the main interface screen. From here, select DATA FILES. Radar Displays the general location of enemies within the vicinity. The radar appears at the right side of the game interface. Raven starts with the radar.